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Is Your Heater Energy Efficient?

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Person using gauges to inspect HVAC unit

Heating your home can be expensive. If you are not careful, you could end up paying a shocking energy bill – and no one wants that, especially during the holiday season.

While properly controlling your heat throughout the winter by adjusting the temperature when you aren’t home or asleep can help you lower your energy bill, it may still not be enough. If your heater is not energy efficient, it can feel like you’re burning money. After all, one of the major energy-consuming appliances in your home is the furnace.

There is a simple way to find out just how energy efficient your home’s furnace is and that is by looking at its AFUE rating. This rating is usually found on the cabinet or in the user manual. AFUE, which stands for “Annual Fuel Utilization Efficiency”, is a percentage that demonstrates how well your furnace works at converting its fuel source (propane, natural gas, electricity) into heating power for your home.

A higher AFUE rating means greater energy efficiency. The minimum standard for new furnaces is 78%. This means that a furnace will turn 78% of its fuel into heat, wasting about 22% either through air leaks, inefficient burners or a less-advanced design. For a furnace to earn the ENERGY STAR from the US Department of Energy, it must have an AFUE of at least 90%. Some high-efficiency furnaces on the market today can score even higher than this.

If you find that your furnace does not meet the ENERGY STAR requirement, you may want to consider replacing your unit.

But, it is important to understand that no matter how high the AFUE is, your heater’s efficiency rating will not mean much if the unit is malfunctioning, has a clogged air filter, dirty ductwork, or is not receiving regular professional maintenance. It has been shown that each year your furnace goes without maintenance, it will lose an average of 5% of its efficiency – which can increase your energy bills.

One of the best ways to ensure that your furnace stays as energy efficient as possible is to schedule regular maintenance by the professionals – like the ones at Advance Mechanical in Greenville, NC. By joining Advance Mechanical’s Comfort Club you will receive system cleanings and tune-ups twice a year, and other added benefits. Maintenance and energy efficiency are our specialties, so you can count on our team to help you save money while keeping your home cozy throughout winter. Advance Mechanical also services and installs commercial heating systems, so not only will your home be more energy efficient, but your business will as well. Give us a call today to schedule your appointment.

A Homeowner’s Furnace Replacement Guide

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Person holds tool box and meter gauges

It’s getting chiller and chiller, and while we all love the song “Baby, It’s Cold Outside”, no one wants to say “it’s cold INSIDE.” Unless your furnace system breaks down completely, it’s sometimes difficult to know the best time to replace an aging system. If you’re wondering if this is the year to replace your furnace, here are a few signs that will alert you to a potential breakdown and problems you can avoid by replacing your system now.

  • System is aging (more than 15 – 18 years old)
  • System requires frequent repairs
  • System does not supply sufficient warmth
  • Unit cycles on and off irregularly
  • Energy bills are increasing
  • Unit makes strange noises
  • Low indoor air quality is causing respiratory issues and/or smells

If any of these sound familiar, it probably means it may be time to replace your furnace. The experts at Advance Mechanical in Greenville, NC will inspect your system to determine if it is the right time to replace. We’ll make sure you don’t get left in the cold this winter!

We know that replacing a furnace isn’t “fun” for homeowners. But, there are benefits to replacing your system – that can even SAVE you money! Furnaces fueled by natural gas are by far the most common heating system for homes in the United States. Newer models are very energy efficient. Energy is getting more expensive and if you don’t have a high-efficiency model, energy can cost you more. Similarly, if your furnace is suffering from old age or wear and tear, it isn’t going to be very effective at heating your home – causing it to run longer and use more energy. Replacing your system can save you money on monthly energy bills – not to mention, your home will be much more comfortable.

In addition to a high-efficiency furnace, there are several other enhancements that can contribute to your home’s overall comfort throughout the winter. Consider these additions to your home heating plan for maximum comfort.

  • Add moisture to the dry winter air with a humidifier
  • Zoning your systems for more precise control over heating and cooling for multiple, separate areas of your home.
  • MicroPower Guard for cleaner air
  • UV lighting to eliminate bacteria

As a homeowner, one of the most important decisions you may encounter is when it’s time to replace your furnace. Your heating system is an investment in your home. The experts at Advance Mechanical can find the right one. Advance Mechanical technicians are experienced in furnace repairs, replacements and installations. Give us a call today!

How Will The R-22 (Freon) Phase Out Affect Your HVAC System?

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Person checks HVAC system with meter gauges

Let’s start at the beginning. In 2003, the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) mandated the phase out of R-22, commonly known as Freon, as the result of growing environmental concerns. In accordance with The Clean Air Act, the phase out of R-22, a refrigerant used in residential and commercial HVAC systems, was enacted to protect the Earth from the ozone-depleting compound found in the refrigerant.

In 2010, production of new air conditioning units charged with R-22 ended, and by 2020 the servicing of R-22 based systems will solely rely on recycled, reclaimed or stockpiled refrigerant quantities. Though chemical manufactures will no longer be allowed to produce or import R-22 for use in new equipment, they can continue production and imports until 2020 for use in servicing existing equipment.

If your system was manufactured before 2010, it probably uses R-22. The good news is that the production, not use, of R-22 is being phased out. This means that you are not required to stop using R-22 air conditioners nor replace your existing equipment. Your unit using R-22 can still be serviced. But, in the future, R-22 supplies will be more limited and costs associated with servicing equipment using this refrigerant will rise steadily and dramatically.

Advance Mechanical Heating & Air Conditioning in Greenville, NC urges customers to take necessary steps to protect themselves against the rising cost of this refrigerant. The best thing you can do is to properly maintain your unit to prevent leaks by having routine tune-ups and maintenance checks. Remember, routine maintenance is far less expensive than emergency repairs. The rising cost of R-22 is why, in the majority of cases, our technicians will recommend replacing an old unit if your system is requiring you to constantly add R-22. In addition to omitting costly repairs, new systems are much more energy efficient and will help you money on utilities.

While some local HVAC companies will continuously repair systems containing R-22, at Advance Mechanical we value our customers and will highly recommend a new system. While this may cost more at the time, it is an investment in your home and will ultimately save you from continuing costly repairs and even save you money on your monthly utility bills.

The EPA established a lengthy phase-out timeline to allow home and business owners to replace air conditioning equipment that contains R-22 on a normal cycle, for example as it becomes old, inefficient or breaks down.

The most common alternative to R-22 is R-410A, a non-ozone-depleting refrigerant blend. This refrigerant blend is manufactured and sold under various trademarked names, including GENTRON AZ-20, SUVA, 410A, and PURON. The EPA reviews alternative refrigerants and maintains a list of acceptable substances for household and light commercial air conditioning.

To review, if your HVAC equipment was produced prior to January 2010, you have the following options:

  1. Invest in a new, more environmentally-friendly and energy-saving HVAC system that uses R-410A.
  2. Continue to use R-22 at a higher cost, until it is ultimately time to replace your unit.

Now that you know a little more about the R-22 phase out, let the professionals at Advance Mechanical help you maintain your HVAC system and make the right choice regarding the best time to replace your system. For more information, to schedule a tune-up or request a replacement quote, please contact us today!

Get To Know: Heat Pumps

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AC units

Last month we celebrated the first day of fall, and this month, it is beginning to feel like it. Here in eastern North Carolina, we usually experience mild falls and winters, and only occasionally are we forced to deal with troublesome snow and ice. Of course, we often make up for it with hot summers, but that’s a post for another day.

For climates with moderate heating and cooling needs, a heat pump can offer an energy-efficient alternative to a furnace and air conditioner. This common piece of HVAC equipment does a great job providing heat to homes in climates where the temperature generally stays above 40°F. Additionally, this system is great for spaces without ducts.

So, how does a heat pump work? To heat a home, a heat pump operates in the same manner as an air conditioner, but in reverse. Heat pumps use electricity to move heat from a cool space to a warm space, making the cool space cooler and the warm space warmer. In other words, when your home needs to be cooled, a heat pump will remove the heat and humidity and transfer it outdoors. The opposite is true when your home needs to heated.

Because heat pumps move heat, rather than generate heat, they cost less – as little as one quarter the cost of operating conventional heating and cooling appliances. Heat pumps are also more efficient because they use renewable energy in the form of low-temperature heat.

If you currently have a heat pump in your home, here are a few tips from the experts at Advance Mechanical Heating & Air Conditioning:

  • Set your thermostat at one temperature. Constant adjustments can cause higher utility bills, especially in the winter.
  • If your unit gets covered with snow or ice, remove the snow or ice immediately in order to ensure the unit operates properly.
  • Make sure that your outdoor unit does not sit underneath a leaking gutter. In the freezing weather, this water can form ice on the top of your unit.
  • Check air filters monthly and replace as needed.
  • Contact Advance Mechanical for regular maintenance check-ups.

If you have any questions about heat pumps, contact the pros at Advance Mechanical. We provide high quality heat pump repair, replacement and installation to Pitt and Beaufort counties. Give us a call today! 

10 HVAC Terms You Should Know

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Outdoor AC units

The heating and air conditioning business, like many other industries, has a language all its own. If you’re an HVAC technician, you are familiar with compressors, heat pumps and split systems. But, if you’re a homeowner, navigating the ins and outs of HVAC can be tricky. If you are not familiar with the terminology it can be even harder. But, don’t worry! We’ve put together a list of 10 common HVAC terms you should know that will make it a little easier for you when discussing heating and air conditioning replacement or repairs with the pros at Advance Mechanical in Greenville, NC.


We’ll start with the basics here, HVAC stands for heating, ventilation and air conditioning. These systems that are used to provide comfortable and clean indoor air.

Heat Pump

A heat pump moves heat either into or out of a building. In order to heat a home, the heat pump pulls air from outside, heats the air and moves it throughout the room via ducts. To cool a home, air is removed and pushed outside.

Condensing Unit

This is the outside portion of an air conditioner or heat pump system. This unit contains the compressor, condenser coil, fan, and other regulatory components.


This is the “heart” of an air conditioning or heat pump system. The compressor maintains adequate pressure to cause refrigerant to flow in order to cool your home.


Freon, or refrigerant, is an organic compound that is used as a coolant in HVC systems to aid in the transfer and removal of heat.


Mini-splits are systems that operate similar to an air conditioner or heat pump, but without ductwork. These systems are great options for smaller spaces or additions, and in homes where the installation of ductwork is prohibitively expensive.


A type of air filter, HEPA stands for High Efficiency Particulate Arrestance.

IAQ/ Indoor Air Quality

A home or building’s IAQ represents the amount of pollutions that is in the air within that structure.


A ton is a unit of measurement used when determining the amount of energy needed to cool indoor air. In other words, a ton is the cooling capacity of an air conditioning system.


SEER is an acronym for Seasonal Energy Efficiency Ratio. This term is commonly used by HVAC professionals to rate the efficiency of a system. A SEER rating describes the amount of energy that is used to regulate temperature over the course of a year.

There are hundreds more terms used in the HVAC industry! If you have questions about your home’s comfort system, of if it may be time to look for a new system, contact Advance Mechanical today!

10 Tips to Help Beat the Heat for the Rest of Summer

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Person monitors meter gauges

These hot eastern North Carolina summer days can make your air conditioning unit work its hardest. To help your air conditioner maximize efficiency, lower utility bills, save energy and increase comfort, the HVAC professionals at Advance Mechanical have put together a list of 10 tips to help you beat the heat for the rest of summer.

1. Check Your Filters

Make sure that you are checking and replacing your air filters once per month. This is particularly important in the heat of summer when dust and allergens circulate. A clogged filter will make your system work harder to provide the same amount of cool air. Replacing your filters is one of the simplest methods to ensure that your system is operating effectively, thus conserving energy and saving you money on HVAC usage. If you often forget about your filters, sign up for our Filter Fetch program. Save time, money and aggravation by having your filters delivered straight to your door!

2. Keep Heat Away From Your Thermostat

It is important that you do not place TVs, lamps or other heat-producing appliances near your thermostat because the thermostat can sense the heat, causing your air conditioner to run longer than necessary.

3. Consider A Programmable Thermostat

If it is hard for you to remember to bump your thermostat before you leave for work, consider having a programmable or smart thermostat installed by Advance Mechanical. These smart thermostats allow you to adjust the temperature in your home using your wireless devices. This comes in handy when you are on vacation, because you will be able to monitor and adjust the temperature from your phone while you are away!

4. Call For A System Tune-Up

Perhaps one of the best ways to ensure that you have a cool summer is to have a HVAC unit that is working properly and efficiently. Having regular maintenance on your system saves you money by helping to reduce energy bills, extending equipment life and often reducing repair costs. Regularly scheduled maintenance is offered through Advance Mechanical’s Comfort Club Plan and can help keep your unit at its best for the rest of the summer!

5. Weatherize Your Home

The ultimate goal of cooling your home during the summer is to keep the cool air in and the hot air out. Taking basic steps to weatherize your home will prevent air loss, which is especially important in the heat when you need cool air the most. Weatherizing your home can include sealing air leaks with caulking and adding installation around your air conditioning ducts.

6. Watch Out For Summer Debris

It is important that you keep plants, shrubs and other landscaping at least two to four feet away from your outdoor air conditioning unit to prevent a clog and ensure adequate air flow.

7. Switch Your Fans

If you have ceiling fans in your home, switch them to spin counterclockwise in the summer to push cool air down.

8. Close The Blinds

The most common way excess heat gets into your home is through the windows. When the sun shines directly into your home it fills your home with unwanted heat. The easiest way to help combat this problem is to close the blinds or pull your curtains.

9. Install Window Film

If you prefer to keep your blinds open, consider adding a window film or tint to your indoor windows. This simple home improvement will not only keep your home cooler in the summer, but also warmer in the winter.

10. Call Advance Mechanical Heating & Air Conditioning

Make sure to have your air conditioning unit inspected, cleaned and tuned up by a licensed professional. This can help you determine any repairs that need to be made, because nothing is worse than having your air conditioner fail in the heat of summer.

Follow these tips to stay cool for the rest of the summer, and even cooler when your utility bill arrives. If you find that you are in need of an air conditioning repair or replacement, do not hesitate to call Advance Mechanical Heating & Air Conditioning. Our trained HVAC technicians are available to make sure that your system is running smooth and energy-efficient for the rest of the summer.

The Vacationer’s Dilemma – Turn the AC On or Off?

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Person changes temperature on AC unit with remote

The summer season is in full swing and eastern North Carolina homeowners are beginning to leave for long-awaited, and much-deserved, vacations. Before your time away enjoying fun, warm-weather activities, you prep your home. You take the trash out, turn the lights off and lock your doors. But, what about your HVAC system? Do you turn it off? Do you leave it on?

When considering what to do about your air conditioning system while you are away, there are a couple of factors that should play into your decision; like the length of your vacation and how concerned you are with saving energy.

However, the most commonly recommended option is to turn your thermostat up while away, and NOT turn your system completely off. Cooling an empty house to a comfortable temperature is both unnecessary and wasteful. But, it is essential to leave your unit on because an important function of your HVAC system is to keep air circulating throughout your home, which decreases the humidity inside. Extra moisture, or humidity, in the home can impact your wood floors, doors or cabinetry. Humidity in your home can also cause peeling paint, musty smells and even mold.

Instead, the HVAC experts at Advance Mechanical recommend turning your system up to around 83 – 86 degrees. This should run your air conditioner enough to remove excess humidity, but will also prevent your system from running continuously to cool your home.

Especially while you are on vacation, a programmable thermostat comes in handy. These thermostats connect to your wireless devices and allow you to set your desired temperature remotely. You will be able to adjust the temperature at varying times. For example, when you are on the way home from vacation you can turn your thermostat back down so you will return to a cool and comfortable home.

Another tip for vacationers – close the curtains before you leave. This will reduce the strain on your air conditioning unit by blocking out the sun and helping to keep your home a bit cooler. Also, be sure to consider the comfort and safety of any pets left in your home when deciding what temperature to leave your thermostat on.

Remember these tips and enjoy your summer vacation! And, don’t forget to contact Advance Mechanical Heating & Air Conditioning for a pre-vacation HVAC maintenance check, because nothing is worse than coming home from vacation to a broken air conditioner. Advance Mechanical is here to provide peace of mind for all your HVAC needs. Give us a call today!

Commercial HVAC FAQs

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Commercial HVAC's

At Advance Mechanical in Greenville, NC we strive to provide the best solutions for making your commercial business comfortable, no matter the season. We’ve helped so many businesses in the area with their HVAC needs, and we’ve come across certain questions quite a few times. To help out all of our appreciated commercial customers, we’ve compiled a list of some of the most frequently asked questions.

1. How long should my commercial HVAC system last?

Your commercial HVAC system is quite an investment. When you spend that kind of money, you want to make sure the equipment lasts as long as possible. There are many factors that play into the longevity of your system, but on average you can expect it to last anywhere from 10 to 15 years. Remember that regular, preventative maintenance is key. Effectively taking care of your system, could mean that it will last for 20 years or more. Contact Advance Mechanical to learn more about our maintenance programs.

2. How often should I change the air filters?

Air filters serve two very important functions in your commercial environment – they help clean your indoor air by trapping particles like dust, pollen and other materials, and they contribute to sustaining the airflow your system needs to function correctly. Dirty or clogged filters can prevent airflow, and in extreme cases can even damage your system. In general, you should check your filters every month and change when they get dirty. If your commercial business produces more airborne particles or dust than normal, you may find it necessary to change them more often – perhaps weekly.

3. Does the size of my commercial HVAC system matter?

Yes! If you have a system that is not the right size for your commercial space, it may cause issues. If your current system is too small, it may not be able to properly heat or cool the building. This will leave your system running constantly which increases your energy consumption significantly. If your system is too big, it will have trouble reducing the moisture in the air. This means your air will feel humid and uncomfortable. The experts at Advance Mechanical can determine the perfect size system for your particular commercial building.

4. How can I increase the efficiency of my commercial HVAC system?

One way to increase the efficiency of your system is to have your buildings ductwork redesigned to eliminate sharp turns and meandering runs that can waste energy. Advance Mechanical specializes in custom ductwork and we can help find the right solution for you. It is also important that your ductwork is sealed so there are no air leaks.

If you don’t see the answer to your question, or want to know more, give Advance Mechanical in Greenville a call today!

May is National Asthma and Allergy Awareness Month

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Person vacuuming up dust under furniture

Every year, in May, we bring attention to something that many Americans suffer from – allergies and asthma. To many, the spring season is the worse time for their symptoms. With so much pollen in the air outside, they just can’t seem to catch a break. But, did you know that the air in your home or business is often dirtier than the air outside – sometimes up to eight times more polluted according the World Health Organization. With the average person spending around 90% of their time indoors, you want to make sure the air inside your home or business is clean – especially if you or loved ones suffer from allergies or asthma.

Not only are the technicians at Advance Mechanical skilled in all things HVAC, we also specialize in other areas many customers overlook. Advance Mechanical provides comprehensive solutions to make the air you breathe cleaner, safer and heathier.

We have the skills and technology to combat bad indoor air quality generated from cleaning products, pets, dust, smoke, and more. We are proud to offer customers a FREE comprehensive indoor air quality assessment. This assessment helps you understand exactly what is present in the air you breathe every day.

To combat any indoor air quality problems identified in your home or business, Advance Mechanical offers a wide range of products and monitoring systems. The FooBot gathers data about the chemicals and particles found in your home or business and sends it to the company in real time. This allows our experts to determine the best solution for you. We use products such as the High-Efficiency Particulate Arrestance (HEPA) filter, MicroPower Guard filter and Oxy Quantum UV Light to help prevent the spread of airborne bacterial & viral organisms and purify the air.

You don’t need to spend a lot of money to improve the air you breathe. We recommend you start with small fixes and then undertake the more complex remedies as needed.

As industry experts, Advance Mechanical is ready to assist not only when you have a problem with your HVAC system, but also when you want to assess or improve your indoor air quality. Advance Mechanical is ready to go to work for you. Contact Advance Mechanical today to breathe easier, not only this spring but for seasons to come. To learn more about our services and see specials give us a call today at 252-355-9191.

5 Steps to Follow Before You Turn On Your Air Conditioner

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HVAC system

By now you may have had to cut on the air conditioner a time or two. But before you leave it on for good to combat the heat of eastern North Carolina summers, make sure to keep in mind these tips. The “I can’t believe it’s this hot!” weather is quick approaching and the last thing you want is to flip the switch on your AC system only to find that it isn’t operating the way it’s supposed too. When your air conditioner sits idle for months, or with very little use, a bit of maintenance is often needed to get it back in summer-time shape.

1. Change the Filters

A change in season is usually a great time to replace your indoor air filters. This is probably the easiest air conditioning maintenance you can do, and still many people aren’t doing it often enough. Remember to replace your filter monthly to keep your AC running smoothly. Make sure your new filter is properly fitted in place and that there are no gaps where air can pass unfiltered.

2. Clean the Supply and Return Vents

Go around your home and make sure that all of your supply and return vents are open and free of debris. Use your vacuum to remove any pet hair or dust that may have accumulated. Make sure that none of your floor vents are covered by rugs or furniture. This will decrease the efficiency of your air conditioning.

3. Install a Programmable Thermostat

If you don’t already have one, consider installing a programmable thermostat. You can gain significant energy savings by using it to reduce the use of air conditioning when you don’t need it, like when you’re away for work or on vacation. Contact the experts at Advance Mechanical to learn about programmable thermostats and the benefits of having one in your home.

4. Remove Debris From the Outside Unit

Leaves, plants, high grass and other debris located close to your outdoor unit can reduce the performance of your air conditioning system. Before you start running your AC, cut the grass and clean around your outdoor unit. Remove any objects, vegetation or low hanging branches that are within two feet of your outdoor unit.

5. Call Advance Mechanical for a Tune-Up

Having your air conditioning stop in the dead heat of summer is less than ideal. Make sure that your system will run smooth all summer long with an inspection and tune-up by Advance Mechanical’s expert technicians.

It’s time to make sure your air conditioner is summer ready! For more tips or to talk with an Advance Mechanical technician call (252) 355-9191.

Is Switching Back and Forth Between Heat and AC Bad for Your Unit?

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Person changing temperature on thermostat

It’s that time of year again. It’s hot one day and cold the next. Welcome to the South! Here in eastern North Carolina we get all four seasons… sometimes in the same week! So, we all know how difficult it is to regulate the temperature in our homes during this time. During the day you may need to turn your air conditioning on, but at night you may find that it is too cold to fall asleep. Because of this many homeowners switch their units back and forth between the heat and the air conditioning. And why wouldn’t you? Freezing or sweating inside your home shouldn’t be an option.

But will this switching back and forth damage your unit?

The good news is, NO! Generally doing this will not cause any problems with your system and inherently it isn’t bad for your unit. However, there are a few important things you should know before adjusting your thermostat for the crazy, rollercoaster eastern North Carolina weather.

Because of the workload switching back and forth puts on your HVAC unit, preventative maintenance becomes even more important to make sure everything runs smoothly. If you are already a member of our Comfort Club, great! This means that you are keeping up with your maintenance and are already on the right track. If you are not, call us at Advance Mechanical to learn about our maintenance plans and seasonal tune-ups/inspections.

Here are some more tips to ensure that you are switching between heat and air conditioning in the safest way possible.

  • Let your unit completely finish its current cycle before switching it. Once it has stopped, shut your unit off completely.
  • Wait five or more minutes between turning off one system and turning on the other. If you switch them too quickly you are at risk of blowing a fuse or tripping your breakers.
  • Make sure you don’t set the temperature to something drastically different right away when switching between systems. Raise or lower the temperature by just a couple of degrees at a time. This will keep your system from overworking, and it will help it operate more efficiently.

If you find it hard to maintain a comfortable temperature in your home, contact the professional technicians at Advance Mechanical. We are available to inspect your system, make any necessary repairs and tune-ups, and offer advice on the best way for you to stay comfortable in your home. Also, keep in mind that your HVAC system is an investment and it is important to keep it operating efficiently. Make sure to contact Advance Mechanical in Greenville, NC to learn about our maintenance plans.

Six Tips To Stay Warm For Six More Weeks Of Winter

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Person working in attic

Punxsutawney Phil saw his shadow, which means six more weeks of winter for all of us here in eastern North Carolina. If you’re ready for warmer weather though, don’t worry. The little guy doesn’t have the most accurate record when it comes to weather predictions.

In either case, you probably won’t be switching your heat off and your air conditioner on anytime soon. Advance Mechanical is here to help keep you and your family warm for all of those cool days we may have left ahead of us. Here are a few tips:


  1. Open and Clean Floor Air Registers

Make sure that nothing is on top of or near your floor vents. Toys, dust, or furniture obstructing a strong flow can really effect how much warm air circulates throughout your home.

  1. Add More Insulation

No, we aren’t suggesting tearing down dry wall. Doing small things can help keep the heat in and better insulate your home. One way to do this is by opening your curtains during the day and closing them at night. This will allow the sun to help heat your home during the daytime, but then keep that heat in your home when the temperatures are at their lowest. Another small step you can take to better insulate your home is to put down more rugs. Many people don’t realize that up to 10% of heat is lost through the flooring. Extra rugs help to prevent heat from seeping into bare floors.

  1. Use Your Ceiling Fans

You’ve heard that warm air rises, right? Use that knowledge to your advantage. Running your ceiling fans in reverse will push the hot air back down and redistribute it throughout your home.

  1. Install a Programmable Thermostat

If you don’t have a programmable thermostat, you should! A programmable thermostat allows you to keep an equal balance of heat in your home. You can program your heating system to heat your home to different temperatures at different times of the day. For example, while you are at work or sleeping, you can set it to a lower temperature. Not only will it allow you to better control the heat in your home, it will also save money. Remember, for every degree you lower your thermostat, you can save up to 5% on your heating costs.

  1. Change Your Filters

We mention this a lot, but changing your air filters regularly can make a big difference in how much heat you feel in your home. A dirty filter causes your heating system to work harder, which can lead to less efficient heating and higher energy bills.

  1. Preventative Maintenance For Your Heating System

One of the best ways to ensure that you stay warm for the rest of winter, is to make sure that your heating system is running properly. Contact Advance Mechanical for a heating system tune-up. Preventative maintenance is the best way to keep your system running all year long!


Advance Mechanical is committed to serving the heating needs of Greenville, NC and surrounding areas. Part of our commitment means sharing useful tips to keep you warm all winter long. However, you can’t stay warm without an effective heating system. If your HVAC or heating unit needs to repaired or replaced, contact Advance Mechanical today. Our trusted and experienced technicians have all the tools to make your home comfortable during any season.

5 Ways To Improve Your Indoor Air Quality This Winter

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Person checking HVAC system with meter gauge

It’s a New Year and with it comes resolutions. If you’ve decided to make 2018 a heathier year, you may plan to eat better, go to bed earlier, or exercise more. But, have you thought about the health of the air in your home? It may surprise you, but the air inside your home is often dirtier than the air outside. This is because indoor air is made up of outdoor air plus allergens and pollutants from pets, dust, fireplaces, air fresheners, and more. Keeping air fresh and clean in your home during the winter months can be especially challenging since you (and your pets) are spending more time inside. The quality of the air in your home is important because poor air quality can cause headaches, colds, and even bronchitis.

Advance Mechanical is here to help you keep your New Year’s Resolution of good health. Here are five simple ways you can improve the indoor air quality of your home this winter.

  1. Use a HEPA Air Purifier

    High-efficiency Particulate Arrestance (HEPA) filters are designed to help prevent the spread of airborne viral organisms and bacteria. Typically, these filters use high-energy, ultra-violet lights to kill bacteria trapped inside. Ideally, depending on the layout of your home, it is best to have an air purifier in each bedroom and in the main living area. Purified air is especially important for young children and anyone suffering from asthma. The experienced technicians at Advance Mechanical are here to help you choose the best air purifier for the unique conditions in your home.

  2. Regular Cleaning

Dusting and vacuuming your home on a regular basis helps tremendously in reducing the amount of airborne pollutants. Use non-toxic cleaning products to help get rid of mold, pet dander, pollen and dust mites that may be lingering.

  1. Change the Filters

Change the filters in your heating, ventilation, and air conditioning system frequently. For many this is a daunting task, but it is a necessary one for maintaining quality air inside your home. offers delivery of professional grade filters to your door. This online service can also email you filter change reminders when it is time. Use our code (CZB) to sign up and take the hassle out of monthly filter changes.

  1. Open the Windows

If weather permits, open a window. Winter days in eastern North Carolina can be quite mild, so open the windows of your home to let old air out and fresh air in. Leave the windows open for 5 to 10 minutes. Do this on a daily basis if possible.

  1. Put an Air-Filtering Plant in Your Home

Place living plants in your home. This a safe and easy way to add oxygen to the air. Household plants that can help clean and purify your air include: Aloe Vera, Peace Lily, English Ivy, and Areca Lady. Make sure to keep the soil in your plant fresh and the plants healthy. They will not only look beautiful, but also improve your indoor air quality.


At Advance Mechanical, we offer a wide range of products that reduce particles, germs, and many toxins in the air. These include HEPA Filters, Micro Power Guard, Oxy Quantum UV lights, and Pan Pad Treatments. We also offer monitoring systems that detect exactly what is in the air you breathe. FooBot is a monitoring device that gathers and transmits information to the experts at Advance Mechanical. With data that tracks even the smallest allergen particles and chemicals in the air, we are able to measure your indoor air quality over an extended period of time and create a plan that is customized to solve your air quality needs.

Your HVAC’s Holiday Wish List

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Person checking HVAC unit with meter gauge

Your shopping is nearly complete! You’ve wrapped up everything from Aunt Sally’s favorite bath bomb to little Johnny’s new fidget spinner. You’re ready to settle in for the holiday festivities. Before you pour that eggnog though, consider adding a present for just one more: your HVAC unit.

If your HVAC system was a member of the family (and a bit of a health nut), its holiday wish list might look a little something like this:

Some TLC for my blower compartment. It’s getting kind of cruddy in there, and a blocked blower wheel can do a real number on our utility bills. Oh, and I even know some great specialists at Advance Mechanical that can give me just the kind of TLC I am looking for.

A tune-up and inspection to make sure all of my wiring and parts are in tip-top shape. If you’re feeling extra generous, I’d love a Comfort Club Membership. That would get me TWO seasonal system cleanings/tune-ups plus discounts on service, parts & repairs; FREE 77 Point Inspection, priority service and much more!

A programmable and Wi-Fi thermostat. This gift is for you as much as it is for me. Doesn’t a scheduled heating and cooling program sound nice? You can finally stop manually changing the temperature settings throughout the day AND we will save money on that pesky utility bill (that just keeps creeping up in cost the colder it gets).

A new set of filters—the goods ones. You’ve been sneezing a lot lately, so HEPA might be the way to go this year.

Pairing that HEPA filter with an OxyQuantum UV Light System may not be a bad gift idea either. This baby will prolong the life of my heating and cooling systems and provide control for cleaner, fresher and healthier air for the whole house.

Speaking of your indoor air quality, this might be a good time to talk about this MicroPower Guard® Polarized Media Air Cleaner I’ve had my eye on. No pressure, but I think it could help with that sneezing I mentioned. Plus, it comes with a lifetime warranty!

The items on your HVAC’s holiday wish list may not fit in a stocking or under the tree, but they will pay off for years to come as they improve your unit & equipment’s efficiency and lifespan (talk about a gift that keeps on giving).

Advance Mechanical is your one-stop holiday shop for anything on your HVAC’s wish list. Call us today at (252) 355-9191 or visit us online for all your HVAC needs!

Your HVAC System During the Holiday Season – Tips For Energy Savings

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Person working on HVAC system in attic

The holiday season is now in full swing. Thanksgiving is right around the corner and Christmas decorations have been in stores for weeks now. We all know that this season can get expensive. From throwing holiday parties and buying new decorations, to getting gifts for loved ones, it all adds up pretty quick. If you are looking for easy ways to make the holiday season a little less hard on your wallet, keep in mind these energy saving tips for your HVAC system. Remember, your air conditioning and heating system is the biggest energy consumer in your home. Making a few small changes to how your system operates can have a significant impact on your savings!

Here are tips to help you save money on heating your home this holiday season.

Indoors or Outdoors

Holiday parties may be the best part of Christmas, but constantly going in and out of your home can lower the efficiency of your HVAC system. If you are hosting a holiday party this season, make it an indoor or outdoor party. Pick one or the other. The stream of air from opening doors can increase heating demand, resulting in longer run times of your system and a higher utility bill.

Winterize You Home

To ensure that cold air is not getting into your home and warm air is not getting out, caulk and weather strip doors and windows. Also, seal air leaks around chimneys, in unfinished spaces behind closets and cabinets, and areas in the basement. By doing this, you should see immediate savings!

Get Cozy

Don’t take off your warm sweater when you get home. Instead, wear it inside and turn your thermostat down a little. For every degree you lower your thermostat, in the 60 – 70 degree range, you can save 5 percent on your heating costs.

Turn on Ceiling Fans

If you have ceiling fans in your home or apartment use them to your advantage to have more control over ventilation. During the winter months, switching your ceiling fans to run clockwise will trap heat inside. Turn ceiling fans on a low setting to push the hot air that rises back down.

Make Adjustments Based on Holiday Plans

If you are planning on visiting family out of town or traveling this holiday season, turn your thermostat down to 55 degrees. Turning your thermostat down while you are away for extended periods can cut your heating bill down 5 – 20 percent!

Upgrade Your Thermostat

Consider upgrading your home system to one that can adjust the thermostat for you or one you can adjust yourself from your smart phone when you are not home. Programmable and Wi-Fi thermostats optimize your energy savings by only heating your home when you are there or are awake to enjoy it.

Have questions?  Ask the experts at Advance Mechanical!

The expert technicians at Advance Mechanical have provided regular HVAC maintenance, replacement and installation for home and business owners all over eastern North Carolina. Our friendly, professional staff services ALL makes and models and we are a certified Trane Dealer. If you want to learn more about upgrading, maintaining or replacing your HVAC system, call us today at (252) 355-9191 or visit us online through our website

Winter HVAC Maintenance Checklist

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HVAC unit in snow

The days are getting cooler and the leaves are changing colors. Not only does that mean it’s time to start enjoying pumpkin-flavored beverages and deciding on the perfect Thanksgiving side dish, but it is also time to think about your home heating system. Is it ready to handle this year’s chill? No one wants to be left without heat in the middle of cold weather. Regular maintenance can ensure trouble-free operation and help your system keep up with the seasonal temperature swings we often see in eastern North Carolina.

Here is a Winter Maintenance Checklist to help get your HVAC system ready for the cooler days to come!

Inside Your Home

  • Replace and Clean Air Filters

Dirty HVAC filters can restrict airflow and make your system less efficient. Replace and clean air filters each month. If you haven’t done it in a while, now is the perfect time. Be sure to continue to do this each month.

  • Adjust Supply Registers

We all know that cool air falls and warm air rises. Open a few supply registers on the first floor and close a few on the second floor. This is an especially good tip for commercial buildings with multiple levels.

  • Make Sure Your Thermostat is Working Properly
  • Check For Energy Leaks in Your Home

Most air is lost in the basement, attic and crawlspace, as well as windows and doors. Seal any energy leaks you see to keep your home better insulated, allowing your heating system to be more efficient.

  • Set Your Thermostat

Set your thermostat as low as comfort permits. Remember that each degree over 68°F can add 3% to the amount of energy your unit needs for heating.

  • Replace Batteries in Carbon Monoxide Detector and Test
  • Listen to Your Unit

Turn your thermostat up to at least 75°F and wait for your heat to turn on. Listen to your HVAC unit. If you hear abnormal noises or banging, contact an HVAC professional.

Outdoor Units

  • Clean Unit

You should take the time to clean your outdoor HVAC unit. Remove any debris, such as leaves, sticks, and dead bugs that have been trapped inside or around the bottom of the unit.

  • Inspect Fan Motor and Fan Blades

Inspect fan motor and fan blades for wear and damage. Make note of any damages you see and enlist the help of an HVAC professional to make repairs.

  • Get an Expert to Inspect Your System

Still Have Questions? Ask the Experts at Advance Mechanical!

The expert technicians at Advance Mechanical have provided regular HVAC maintenance for home and business owners all over eastern North Carolina. Our friendly professional staff services ALL makes and models and we are a certified Trane Dealer. If you want to learn more about our maintenance plans, call us today at (252) 355-9191 or visit us online to learn about the benefits of becoming a Comfort Club Member.

Advance Mechanical Heating and Air representative on panel about Pitt Community College

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Person holding tool box

Advance Mechanical Heating and Air Conditioning had a representative served on panel at event hosted by Parents for Public Schools of Pitt County and Pitt Community College.  The panel discussed opportunities at Pitt Community College for students in high school.

Changing Seasons – Recommended Thermostat Settings

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Many home owners inherently change their thermostat setting with the seasons to ensure home comfort but suffer the consequences of outrageous utility bills. You shouldn’t have to compromise comfort for saving. No matter the season, these recommended thermostat settings will help prepare your thermostat’s heating and air conditioning and are sure to save you some money along the way.

Recommended Thermostat Settings

Your home’s temperature should change with the seasons. The smaller the difference between the external temperature and the internal temperature of your home, the less work your HVAC unit is going to have to do, which ultimately saves you money.


During the colder months of the year, you can save energy and keep your costs in check by setting your thermostat to 68 degrees Fahrenheit while you are at home and setting it 5 – 8 degrees lower when you are away.

Depending on your home comfort preferences, you might also consider lowering your home’s temperature at night while you sleep. Many people find sleeping in cooler temperatures ideal and lowering the temperature of your home while you sleep will have the same energy and cost saving effects as lowering the temperature while you are away. You can save as much as 10% a year on your utility bill by simply turning your thermostat back 7°-10°F for 8 hours a day from its normal setting.


In the summer, to achieve maximum home comfort and energy savings, it is generally recommended to set your thermostat’s cooling system to 78 degrees Fahrenheit while at home.

You can follow the same strategy with your air conditioning as you did in the winter months with your heat, just in reverse. You will save energy and money by keeping your home’s temperature slightly higher while you are away in the summer, just as decreasing the temperature while you are away from home in the winter helps you save.

It is estimated that for each degree higher you set your home’s temperature over 78 degrees Fahrenheit during the summer, that you could save approximately six to eight percent off your utility bill, per degree.

No matter the season, adjusting your thermostat setting anytime your house is vacant for four or more hours per day can help save you energy. When you are going to be away from home for several hours consider adjusting the temperature 5 – 8 degrees (down in winter, up in summer).

It’s important to note that indoor home humidity plays a role in the comfort of the air in your home as well. Read our blog, Ways to Lower Your Home Humidity, to help you reach your maximum home comfort level.

Benefits of Installing a Programmable Thermostat

Although thermostats can be adjusted manually, programmable thermostats will help you avoid adjusting temperatures before/after you wake and when leaving/returning home. Installing a programmable thermostat will allow you to save on your utility bill and run a scheduled heating and cooling program without having to remember to manually change your settings throughout the day.

When programming your thermostat, take into consideration your daily routine. Do you like to sleep in a cool house? If so, you might want to start the temperature setback a bit ahead of the time you actually go to bed. During the winter to ensure the house is nice and warm when you wake up, you might want to set the thermostat so the heat comes on a bit before you actually get up. Also consider the routines of others in your household. Is there a time during the day when the house is unoccupied for four or more hours? If so, this may be a perfect opportunity to save some energy and adjust the temperature accordingly.

Programmable digital thermostats are designed to maximize the performance of your heating and air conditioning system. Most programmable thermostats are able to automatically adjust the temperature in your home up to six or more times per day. They also allow you to manually override the automatic settings at any time without interrupting the already set programming. Ultimately, programmable thermostats allow you to save money and energy, and offer ease of use and piece of mind.

Check out the energy and money saving programmable thermostats offered by Advance Mechanical here!

Advance Mechanical Heating and Air recognized in National Publication

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Advance Mechanical Heating and Air Conditioning is recognized in the September issue of Compass Magazine.  Compass Magazine is a national publication that is sent out to owners of plumbing, electrical, roofing and heating & air companies.  The article highlights the growth, innovative change and partnership with South Central High School.

Ways to Lower Your Indoor Humidity

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Person checks HVAC unit with gauge meters

Humidity in the summer is inevitable, especially for those of us living in eastern North Carolina.  Between the naturally humid climate and everyday indoor moisture producers such as showering and cooking, it is easy to see why excess indoor humidity is an issue for so many of us.  This guide will give you the tools to identify a humid home, reduce the unwanted moisture, and get you back to your summer fun.

Why is excess indoor humidity bad?

High indoor humidity is a commonly underestimated home hazard.  In addition to being generally uncomfortable, excess indoor humidity can lead to an unhealthy environment. Dust mites, fleas, harmful chemicals, allergens, pathogens, and other unwanted visitors are more abundant in humid conditions.

Indoor humidity levels fluctuate depending on outdoor environment and season, but should ideally stay around 45 percent.  

Signs of a Humid Home

“How can I tell if my home is too humid?”  If you are living with some or all of the following signs, it may be time to take action to reduce your indoor humidity level.

  • Water damage / Stains
  • Condensation / Foggy windows
  • Musty odor
  • Increased dust mites and/or fleas
  • Swelling / Rotting wood
  • Rusting and other oxidation
  • ‘Wet’ feeling air
  • Increased allergy symptoms
  • Increased asthma symptoms
  • Sleep problems

If you are still unsure whether or not your home is overly humid, ask an Advance Mechanical specialist about FooBot.  FooBot is the first intelligent device dedicated to indoor health and wellness.  It helps us set the humidity of a room to create a more comfortable environment for the whole family.

Ways to Reduce Indoor Humidity

Some minor interior adjustments and lifestyle changes are recommended to help maintain your ideal indoor humidity level.  Even though these recommendations involve some costs, they will save energy, save you money, and improve your family’s health (pets included).


The most effective tool in reducing indoor humidity is ventilation.  Use vent fans whenever possible in kitchens, bathrooms, and other moisture rich areas of your home.  Opening a window for a few minutes can help to dry the air as well.  Increasing ventilation increases airflow, which ultimately reduces humidity.


The use of ceiling fans increases airflow and aids evaporation.

Short Cool Showers

Bathrooms are infamous for excessively humid conditions.  Long, hot showers produce steam, which creates the perfect environment for mold and mildew growth in addition to raising your home’s humidity.  Short, cool showers reduce steam, humidity, mold, and mildew.

Cooking Control

Cover pots/pans when cooking to reduce moisture in the air.  The use of exhaust fans and slow cookers will also reduce moisture associated with stovetop cooking.

Air Conditioning

Warmer air is capable of holding greater amounts of moisture.  Running your air conditioner will remove moisture at the condenser.  Humidity will decrease as the air cools.  Lowering the airflow speed of your air conditioner lowers the temperature of the evaporator coil, which produces less coil sweat and less humidity.

Pan Pad Treatment

When hot, humid air passes through the cooling coil in your HVAC unit, condensation collects in a drip pan.  If left standing, the water in this pan becomes a stale, slimy breeding ground for odor-causing bacteria.  At Advance Mechanical we offer an EPA registered, time released pan treatment strip to keep drain lines and pans clean, reduce indoor humidity, and prevent bacteria growth.


Using a dehumidifier is recommended if you live in an older, less ventilated home or if interior adjustments have been ineffective.  Close windows and doors, and situate your dehumidifier away from walls and furniture for optimal performance.  Dehumidifiers come in many shapes and sizes and utilize a variety of technologies.  It is important to research the different types (desiccant dehumidifiers, mechanical/refrigerant dehumidifiers, and peltier dehumidifiers) to ensure that you purchase the one best suited to your situation and lifestyle.

Still have questions?  Ask the experts at Advance Mechanical!

The expert technicians at Advance Mechanical routinely address indoor air quality issues for home and business owners all over eastern North Carolina.  If you are struggling with indoor humidity and would like to learn more about our in-home moisture control methods, call us today at (252) 355-9191.

Should I Repair or Replace My Air Conditioner?

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Person fixing HVAC unit with a screwdriver

When faced with HVAC repair issues in the blistering heat of summer many homeowners ask themselves – should I repair or replace my air conditioner? Maybe this is the first time your unit has called it quits, maybe you have been dealing with reoccurring repairs all year long or maybe your utility bill has simply gotten out of hand. Whatever it may be, the decision to repair or replace your air conditioner is not an easy one. Each situation stands on it’s own and many factors need to be considered to help answer your question. We have compiled the following guidelines to help with your decision.

Recognize the Time for Repair vs. Replacement

Air Conditioner Age – Most HVAC technicians recommend upgrading to an energy-efficient unit if your current central air conditioner is 10-15 years or older. Although some systems may last longer than others, all systems will increasingly lose energy efficiency over time, costing you more energy dollars in the long run.

Frequent Breakdowns – If you are making monthly service calls to keep your system up and running, it may be time to consider replacement. On the other hand, if your system is serviced routinely and you haven’t experienced regular breakdowns, a repair may be easier on your wallet.

Uneven Temperatures – Uneven temperatures in your home may be an indicator that your air conditioner needs to be replaced or repaired.

Noise – Your system can become excessively noisy and even turn off unexpectedly if it is having to overexert itself to keep up with the cooling demands of your home. The excessive noise could indicate that your system needs to be replaced or repaired. Having a regular maintenance schedule and annual professional maintenance done can help preserve the function of your system and prevent problems before they occur.

Benefits to Replacing Your HVAC System

Cost Savings – Recent advances in A/C technology have greatly improved energy efficiency. In many cases, a great deal of energy can be saved by upgrading to a newer, more efficient system. By calculating your Energy Efficiency Ratio (EER) you can determine how efficiently your current system is running. Depending on your EER, upgrading could save you 20% to 40% on heating and cooling costs.

EER calculation: You can calculate your EER by taking the total BTU (British Thermal Unit) of heat rejected, or actual cooling per hour and diving it by the watts of electricity used to reject the heat.

New Warranties – Many newer units come with warranties from their manufactures. Warranties will help you save on repair costs should any issues arise with your new unit.

Improved Indoor Air Quality – In comparison to older systems, new equipment does a better job of controlling temperature and humidity, which helps reduce mold and mildew growth. Less dust can even be noticed when replacing your air conditioner. With better temperature control and less allergens in the air the comfort and air quality of your home will be improved.

Peace of Mind No more having to worry about your system quitting on you in the heat of summer! You can find peace of mind with your new air conditioner knowing that worry-free operation is in your future for many years to come.

Benefits of Repair

Newer Systems – For a new or relatively new system, it is likely that replacement isn’t necessary. With newer systems a simple repair is usually all that is needed.

Cost of Repairs – Consider the 50% Rule. If the cost of repairs is less than half (50%) of the value of your heating or cooling system, a repair is probably your best option. However, when the cost of repairs starts to creep closer to that 50% mark, it’s generally time to replace the system. This metric is a good rule of thumb to take into account when considering whether to repair or replace your A/C unit, but you should always consider your specific situation and consult a professional.

Maintenance – In many cases some simple maintenance techniques can help prolong your system’s lifespan and make immediate replacement unnecessary. If your system is neither old or new, ask your technician if regular maintenance is your best option and what you can do to get a few more years out of your existing system.

Still Have Some Questions? Ask the Experts at Advance Mechanical!

If you still can’t decide between replacement or repair, contact Advance Mechanical. Our friendly professional staff services ALL makes and models and can help you determine whether repairing or replacing your system is the best decision for you!

Get Your Home Summer Ready

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Dusty air filter

You may have bought out all the bug spray and lathered up with SPF50, but have you prepared your home for the hot summer months still ahead? Although most of us have already been in full-on summer mode since Memorial Day, summer didn’t officially start until June 21st. That means there is still plenty of time to plant those trees, dust off your fans, and make sure your home is up to the task of taking on the summer heat. There are a few things you need to do to get your home safe and comfortable for the long hot days of summer, but don’t worry, we’ve got you covered. The following list gives energy and cost saving tips to keep your home cool for the summer!


If you’ve been putting off a landscaping project, now may be the time to get started. Planting shade trees or shrubs by your windows that receive a lot of light during the hottest parts of the day and/or by windows that get a lot of light when the sun is setting can help with cooling down the interior of your home during the hot summer months.

Exterior Window Coverings

Trees are just one way to shade your windows from the outside. Awnings, screen shades and even window tint are also options that can help keep your home from getting as warm during the day.


Fans are great for extra circulation during the summer when the indoors and outdoors are a little more stuffy than usual. Make sure to clean the blades of ceiling fans, and the blades and grill of portable fans. Clean fans mean you get refreshing circulated air without unpleasant dust and dirt floating throughout your home.

Air Conditioning Checkup

Having your A/C stop working in the dead heat of summer is less than ideal. If you rely on your central air to help you stay cool, you’ll want to be sure it’s functioning properly and efficiently. To keep your air conditioning running smooth throughout the summer we suggest you change or clean your filters once a month, make sure the outdoor unit is clear of debris, and to have your air conditioning unit serviced. It is important to hire a professional at least once a year to clean indoor ductwork, check fan belts on the outdoor unit, and make sure everything is working safely, properly, and efficiently. Regular maintenance keeps your air conditioning unit running more efficiently; and a more efficient unit due to proper maintenance can help reduce your monthly energy bills.


Programmable and wi-fi thermostats are the perfect addition to your energy saving high efficiency air conditioning system. These thermostats are designed to maximize the performance of your air conditioning system, offer reliable accurate temperature control, and are easy to use. With several programming options you can set your thermostat to keep you cool at night and save energy during the day. They are also ideal for vacation homeowners who want to adjust the A/C in their vacation home before they arrive, and conserve energy while they are away. All you have to do is set it and you’ll start to see savings.

For more tips or to talk with an Advance Mechanical technician call (252)-355-9191!

Advance Mechanical Heating and Air earns Angie’s List Super Service Award

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Person working on AC unit

Advance Mechanical Heating and Air Conditioning has earned the home service industry’s Angie’s List Super Service Award.

Angie’s List experienced unprecedented member growth in 2016, adding more than 1.6 million consumers after the company introduced a free membership tier.

“Companies that can meet higher demands without missing a beat in their exemplary performance standards truly do stand apart from their peers,” Angie’s List Founder Angie Hicks said.

Angie’s List Super Service Award 2016 winners have met strict eligibility requirements, which include an “A” rating in overall grade, recent grade and review period grade. The SSA winners also must be in good standing with Angie’s List, pass a background check and abide by Angie’s List operational guidelines.

“At Advance Mechanical, we strive to give our customers the best experience possible,” Advance Mechanical owner Randy Riddle said. “We hope that this award will help us to continue to stand out from our competitors.”

Service company ratings are updated daily on Angie’s List as new, verified consumer reviews are submitted. Companies are graded on an A-F scale in areas ranging from price to professionalism to punctuality.

For more than 21 years, Angie’s List restricted access to its verified reviews to consumers who paid membership fees. When the company removed that barrier, some companies worried that the new, non-paying members would not be as engaged as members of the past. But the company said it continues to adhere to its review verification process, and there has been no degradation of review quality.

“The biggest change at Angie’s List is that we are connecting even more consumers to high quality service professionals,” Hicks said. “And that’s good for everyone.”

Advance Mechanical hosts students from South Central

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Person working on HVAC unit with wrench

Advance Mechanical, a locally owned and operated HVAC company by Randy Riddle, hosted 24 students from South Central High School’s carpentry program in December at its plant in Greenville.

This is the second year Riddle has hosted students from the school as a part of an effort to recruit, hire and train young employees. The HVAC industry is facing a shortage of employees with the skills necessary for companies to meet growing demand for their products and services as their employees age out and retire.

Trane’s area salesman for the Raleigh office, Tim Hatch, was on hand to talk with the students. Last spring, Trane donated a unit for Riddle to use to demonstrate the installation process in the carpentry classroom at South Central.

Riddle and a technician visited the classroom weekly to walk students through the installation. Interested students then applied to work at Advance Mechanical during the summer. Five students were selected.

“We are hoping one or more of those students will want to work for us full time when they graduate from South Central,” Rachel Davis, manager of operations and marketing at the company, said. “This program is a way for us to give back to the community through working with students to expose them to work place expectations.”

Teacher Stephen Allen said, “I can tell students about what is expected on job sites, but hearing it straight from the source is a lot more powerful.”

Betsy Flanagan, a newly elected member of the Pitt County school board, attended the presentation.

“I want Pitt County Schools to do more to help our employers in Pitt County by finding and marketing other opportunities like this to our students and partnering with our businesses to develop programs that allow students to be successful while providing employers skilled employees who can earn and provide for their families and ultimately improve Pitt County and our economy,” Flanagan said.

South Central High School students listen to Tim Hatch, sales representative for Trane out of the Raleigh office, speak at Advance Mechanical.

Link to Original Article

South Central High School HVAC Project 2016

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High school students learning about HVAC

Randy demonstrating HVAC to the construction students. During this semester long project the students were able to install a split system from start to finish. They were also able to install the duct work. At the end of the project Advance Mechanical selected two students to be part of a full-time paid summer internship.

Young man drilling  Man and young man working on project.